How perception affects your health

How you perceive yourself, your environment and the interaction between the two has a profound impact on how your body works.

Changing your perception can have an immediate (and I do mean immediate) impact on your symptoms.

Let me explain…

Imagine you’re sitting in a seminar with 50 other people feeling really bored because the information in the classroom is dull. In fact, you’re nodding off.

All of a sudden a masked man bursts into the room with what appears to be a gun.

How do you feel and what happens in your body?

Well, you’re going to feel scared and panicked. You’re naturally going to take evasive action, run away and avoid getting hurt.

Your level of alertness, having been quite low due to boredom, is now about as high as it could be.

Your heart is beating rapidly, you’re sweating and you’re pumped up.

Your nervous system has quickly switched the modus operandum of your body to “fight or flight” mode.

Your blood is redistributed to your brain, central nervous system, lungs and muscles to help you power your body to escape.

As such, your digestive, detoxification and reproductive functions have been shut down.


The gunman fires his gun… and a red “bang” flag pops out.

He removes his mask and turns out to be a famous comedian.

You breathe a sigh of relief and have a quick giggle.

He walks to the front of the room and starts telling outrageously funny jokes.

What happens?

After a short period of time you’re as relaxed as you could possibly be – your heart rate has dropped, you’re laughing and having fun.

Your nervous system has redistributed its resources accordingly: blood is now flowing to your organs of digestion, detoxification and reproduction again and you don’t need to worry.

This is obviously an extreme example, but it illustrates how your body’s function is rapidly altered by what your mind is doing.

Making things a little more realistic, I’ve observed incredible changes in my clients’ symptoms during consulting sessions where we focused on rebalancing perception.

Common perceptions I’ve found, put very simplistically, include:

Guilt and shame about the past, where there is a perception that you caused someone more pain than pleasure / more negative than positive.

Fear about the future where you’re imagining that you will experience more pain than pleasure, or cause someone else to experience more pain than pleasure.

Feeling superior or inferior to others where you think you’re in some way better or worse than someone you’re comparing yourself to.

Because perceptions govern physical responses via hormones and neurotransmitters, guilt, shame and fear can lead to biochemical changes.

When the gunman burst through the door and you felt threatened, your adrenaline, noradrenaline and cortisol levels shot up leading to major changes in your physical function.

Your blood flow was redistributed away from anything related to growth and repair – namely digestion, detoxification, immune function, sleep and sex – and into “danger” system, namely your heart, lungs and skeletal muscles

When the gunman started telling jokes, your dopamine, serotonin, GABA and other chemicals came back into balance and your stress hormones fell away.

Your blood flow was diverted back into your organs and systems of growth and repair.

All this happened quit quickly.

But what if you’re still guilty about something that happened 25 years ago, as some people are?

What if you’ve been scared about something for ten years that hasn’t actually happened despite your worry?

These longer-term perceptions CAN and DO affect your biochemistry and physical body day-to-day.

They affect your digestive, immune, nervous and hormonal systems.

If you look at the research in this area, it’s absolutely fascinating and I recommend the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton as a starting point.

Dr. Lipton’s book and CD named “The Biology Of Belief” and his CD series titled “The Wisdom Of Your Cells” are fantastic.

How you view yourself, your environment and your relationship between the two is critically important for your long term vitality.

I can tell you from first hand experience that perception shifting works, and is one of the most powerful tools I know for improving wellness.

What’s more, altering your perceptions can have a dramatic impact other areas of life, including relationships and finances.

Can we help?

If you’re feeling stressed, it’s because of perception.

If you’d like to offload some of your mental or emotional stress by shifting your perception, I guarantee we can assist you.

We’ll focus on the #1 ‘stressor’ in your life, whether it’s your job, boss, kids, wife/husband, parents or other.

During a 1-2 hour session, we’ll dissolve the stress using  a method developed by Dr. John F. Demartini, called ‘The Demartini Method’.

I’ve used this approach to dissolve my own stressors, and clients find it incredibly helpful.

If you’d like to enquire about booking a session, or to have a quick chat about how it works, please give us a call or drop an email across to [email protected]

Can’t wait to hear from you!



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