What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Parasites e-book


This ebook is an introduction to the role parasites can play in creating symptoms, as well as why doctors don’t consider them very much, how to test for them, and how to overcome them.

The book is an easy read, with eight chapters and an appendix

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One of the things that inspired me to train in functional medicine was the fact that I not only had H. pylori, but also a parasite called Blastocystis hominis (Blasto).

Between them, these bad bugs were causing my heartburn, acid reflux, bloating and IBS. These symptoms dissolved once I’d rid myself of the bugs.

What’s more, my energy levels improved, as well as my mood, sleep, skin and sex drive.

I didn’t realise I had parasites (or, indeed, H. pylori) until I ran a home stool test, but I realise a test like this is a big investment if you’re not sure why to take one.

As such, the main reason why I wanted to explain the problems associated with parasites – especially those living in your intestine – was to make sure you get a good overview of the problem and solution before investing in a test.

If you’re not careful, parasites such as Blasto can wreak havoc in the your intestine and are a major reason for loose stools, wind, abdominal cramps, constipation and other digestive symptoms.

What’s more, over time because of an on going immune response, structural damage to the intestine, and poor digestion and absorption of nutrients, parasites can contribute to a great many other symptoms in your body.


Here’s a glimpse of what’s inside.

Chapter One – What Is A Parasite?

  • I’ll teach you what parasite menaces are, and some of the main kinds you’ll find when you run tests to find them.
  • I’ll teach you the places parasites live and touch on why they can cause symptoms around your entire body.
  • You’ll quickly realize why it’s imperative to understand whether or not you’re carrying parasites.

Chapter Two – Busting The Myth of A “Tropical” Problem

  • I’ll shatter the myth and widely held medical belief that parasites are not just tropical and exotic problem.
  • I’ll show you how they represent a truly hidden epidemic, running riot in the UK, Europe, North America and Australasia.
  • You’ll learn how and why you can pick up parasites at any time, and in any country.

Chapter Three – How Do Parasites Get Into Your Body?

  • I’ll show you how parasites can be picked up from your dinner and drinking water, even in the “developed” countries you live in.
  • You’ll see how parasites can be passed from person-to-person during sexual contact and even kissing.
  • You’ll discover that some parasites may be passed to you when you allow pets to lick your hands and face.
  • I’ll show you real life examples where parasite outbreaks caused problems for hundreds of thousands of people, but are never mentioned in doctors’ office.
  • You will come away with an understanding of how to minimize YOUR risk of acquiring parasites, or even how you might have picked them up in the first place!

Chapter Four – Why Are Parasites Still A Secret?

  • I’ll teach you the two big reasons why doctors don’t consider parasites when you’re not feeling well, and why you may you might just be suffering for a long time as a result.
  • I’ll teach you why drug companies may not even want you to know you have parasites, as it’s more profitable to them if you do.
  • You’ll come away with a firm understanding that you may need to look outside the medical “box” in order to invigorate your vitality.

Chapter Five – Could you and your immune system actually be the problem?

  • I’m going to teach you something most people never know about parasites, namely that they can only cause problems in a body that is unhealthy to start with.
  • I’ll teach you about my “Vitality Scale” concept that shows how parasites get into your body when you slide down the scale.
  • You’ll learn how your eating habits and lifestyle can actually make your body more hospitable for bad bugs and how you can quickly reverse the situation.
  • You’ll discover how bad bugs, along with bad foods and bad toxins are the main cause of virtually ALL symptoms and diseases.
  • You’ll walk away enlightened and with a firm understanding of why you feel unwell and, importantly, what you can do about it.

Chapter Six – What Symptoms Can Parasites Cause?

  • I’m going to show you where exactly most parasites live in your body, and how they create symptoms. You can complete our parasite questionnaire and check whether you’re likely to be harbouring parasites based on your lifestyle and symptoms.
  • You’ll learn how parasites cause symptoms in your digestive system that are often passed off as “IBS”, heartburn or acid reflux.
  • You’ll discover how intestinal parasites can contribute to symptoms with your mood, energy level, sexual function, skin, hair and nails, and how they disrupt sleep.
  • I’ll show you overwhelming evidence to support the fact that parasites cause arthritis and other chronic aches and pains, including headaches.
  • You’ll learn how parasites cause inflammation, nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances, and how these problems result in a plethora of irritating and uncomfortable health complaints.
  • We’ll uncover how parasites living in your blood and cells can cause virtually any symptom.
  • I’ll show you how parasites living in your genitourinary tract can cause pelvic pain, painful urination, itching and problems in your bladder, vagina and prostate.
  • By the end of this chapter, you’ll be completely dumbfounded as to how western medicine can ignore parasites as a cause of your symptoms.
  • At the same time, you’ll see light at the end of the tunnel if you’ve been struggling with unexplained symptoms for a while.

Chapter Seven – How to Accurately Test For Parasites

  • I’ll teach you why medical doctors don’t generally test for parasites unless you have really serious digestive symptoms.
  • You’ll learn why you might not get accurate results even when docs do run parasite tests.
  • I’ll show you why many leading parasite experts insist that their patients run parasite testing through speciality private labs, and why it’s such a massive advantage for you to do so.
  • You’ll be introduced to a range of specific tests that can help you determine the root cause of your ongoing symptoms.
  • I’ll draw upon my seven years’ experience in running several thousand lab tests to show you how children and the elderly alike can benefit from running lab tests through private laboratories.
  • I’ll teach you how to seek out parasites in your gut, genitourinary tract, sinuses, mouth, skin and blood.
  • You’ll learn how you can accurate these safe and accurate tests from the comfort of your own home, without the need for an embarrassing trip to the doctor.
  • You’ll walk away from this chapter knowing more about parasite testing than 99.5% medical doctors do (that’s a guarantee!) and you’ll know exactly how to get yourself and your family properly tested.

Chapter Eight – How to Beat Parasites & Reclaim Your Health

  • You’ll learn my time-tested and proven 5-step process for quickly and safely eliminating parasites from your body once you know which ones you have.
  • Remove – how to remove bad foods and bad bugs from your body to reduce your inflammation levels and feel better almost immediately. The pros and cons of using pharmaceuticals and herbs for bad bug removal.
  • Restore – how to restore your stomach, pancreas and intestinal function using specific nutrients, herbs and natural supplements.
  • Reinoculate – how to effectively replace “good bugs” in your body using foods, probiotics and prebiotic supplements.
  • Repair – how to accelerate your stomach and intestinal healing to truly revitalize your digestive system!
  • Re-test – when and how to re-test in order to make sure you have successfully eradicate your parasites, and to check your immune and digestive function to stop parasites coming back!

Appendix: Tried & Tested Supplement Protocols

In the Appendix, you’ll find the precise supplement protocols I use for each of the five stages of my parasite healing programs.

These protocols have been used with thousands of people, with outstanding results and are the very same ones I teach my students.

Case Studies

To show you how the protocols contained in the Appendix can be in removing bad bugs and rejuvenating health, I’ve also included a range of success stories for you (twelve to be precise)

I’m sure you will be inspired by these success stories as they show you that healing from chronic, ongoing symptoms is always possible provided you take the appropriate, decisive action.

So if you have digestive symptoms of any kind, or would like to learn more about parasites and dysbiosis before you take the plunge and run a home stool test, it’s a great idea to grab this little e-book.




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